There are many mysteries in life that God leaves unexplained to us for a reason. He only gives us the information we can handle here on earth. My theory about his mysteries with weight loss/gain, metabolisms, and the way the body works are just to simply motivate you to get out there and figure out what is right for you and what works for your specific lifestyle and body. Some of the things I have found out about my body and my life I can handle and some I can't deal with right now and just push them aside. We will never fully understand our bodies but we can always work every day to get a better understanding of them anyways.
One thing that I have come to understand that has really helped me with my weight loss in the words of our preacher is "My 2011 prediction for everyone's future is you are going to die, everyone in this room will die at some point." It hit me back when i was 225 pounds that I didn't want to die young because of my weight and I didn't want to waste my life being lazy and depressed because I was overweight and die leaving behind no legacy but the reputation of being fat and lazy. I didn't want to miss out on the opportunities to spend time with my kids outside playing baseball and soccer, running, riding their 4wheelers and things. Our preacher taught a sermon on what I said above about everyone dying this Sunday and it reminded me of my decision to go down the path of weight loss. Dying is not a myth that has yet to be proven a fact. It's something we ALL know is going to happen and I want to make the most of my life. I once heard "It's not how long you live but it's how you live your life". I completely agree. That's the quote that changed my life.
One morning I realized that God isn't going to magically shave 100 pounds off of me by sitting on the couch watching tv and eating all day. You may not want to go out and even see the light of day but I PROMISE if you just put on your walking shoes and get out in your driveway to stretch just a little and take off on a 15 minute walk down your road you'll realize how dead you feel inside when you sit around being overweight just wishing you could do something about it but never ACTUALLY doing it. With the sunlight hitting your face, the fresh air filling up your lungs, and your hair blowing in the wind you'll realize your NOT DEAD. You're very much alive indeed and all of those depressed and sad feelings will melt away and you will feel like a new person. Forcing yourself out there at least 3 times a week does so much for the body but the mind and soul as well. Mentally you'll feel refreshed and like a different person. That's the best therapy a girl can get. No matter how much you think you don't want to be alone ( I never used to do ANYTHING ALONE) once you're out there walking and your head is clear and for once you're focusing on yourself for the first time in so long~you'll feel amazing. It's up to you to continue this after you try it once. The only time you shouldn't go outside to exercise is when it's raining. No matter how cold, cloudy, hot, etc. Just prepare for the weather (clothes, water, etc..) and GO FOR IT!!
I challenge you to do this "ME THERAPY" one time and come back to report how it made you feel. One 15 minute walk whenever you can get away from the kids, school, whatever. Leave a comment and tell me what it does for you?
I don't exercise to lose weight, but I can tell you it definitely makes me feel good. We joined a gym and I LOVE running on the treadmill or biking on the stationery bike. I've been sedentary all of my life, never interested in sports or exercise, but I've felt so much better since I started exercising in November. I can't wait til it gets warmer so that we can ride our bicycles around the neighborhood again.
ReplyDeleteGood job, Jess! I'm really proud of you!